Can Double Steel Boned Corsets offer Better Benefits?
Author Maxim Tourou / Category Architecture / Published: Apr-05-2018
When you are about to select a corset, there is a range of factors that you may consider, like size of the corset waist, the type, and the boning. While many manufacturers also come up with plastic boning today, nothing can match the efficiency that steel boning can offer.
While you are getting a perfect steel boned corset, do you know you can choose among different boning type options too? Yes, you can choose from a single boned corset and a double boned corset. To understand how exactly you can do this, you have to understand in detail about them. Moreover, it will be interesting to know how double steel boned corsets can be of great help to you.
The Difference between Single Boned and
Double Boned Corsets
If you are taking a steel boned corset with any number of boning, you will find that they are equally placed across the corset. For example, they are placed on the front, sides, and back of the corset. It is provided so that the pressure can get distributed equally on every part of the body. But several times, many women may find it difficult to wear the corset for a long time due to the boning. The boning may exert pressure extremely on one point of the body that can cause pain at times. Of course, there can be many reasons for this, such as not seasoning the corset properly or tightening the laces quite hard at the first instance itself.
But if you are feeling the problem, even if you have seasoned the corset, this is a sign that you need a double steel boned corset for yourself.
So, what is a double steel boned corset?
It is almost similar to the usual corsets that are single steel boned. The only difference is that you will find two steel bones side by side everywhere. Whether the boning is there on the front, side, or at the back, there will be double steel boning in place a single one.
So, how is the double boned steel corset going to help you or benefit you? Read the benefits of the double steel boned corsets in the next section.