Is It Possible to Swim With Your Corsets On?
Author Maxim Tourou / Category Architecture / Published: Apr-05-2018
Many women are quite dedicated to waist training and prefer to wear corsets throughout the day. During the early Victorian and Elizabethan times also, women used to wear corsets throughout the day. They did thor household chores and even many other activities. These women never felt uncomfortable, and it seemed as if the corsets were a mandatory part of their lives.
Though today's corsets are not mandatory, many women prefer to wear the corsets throughout the day. Also, wearing a corset for different activities, such as for the office, has its own benefit. It makes you look smarter and maintains your posture. But as you wear corsets for office and similar purposes, can you wear them for activities such as swimming?
This is a major question that many of the women ask for. Many experts have mentioned that it is not quite feasible to wear a corset and swim. There are some of the most logical reasons for it.
You may fall into a swimming pool with all your clothes on you. At times, you can get out of the pool conveniently. When you are wearing heavy clothing such as jeans or heavy cotton fabric, you may find it much difficult to come out of the water.
This happens because when your clothes soak in water and get heavy, it can get difficult for you to come out of the water. This is one of the major reasons why you should go into the water with lesser clothes on. You should also get into the water with fabrics such as cotton that soaks in water and gets heavier.
Though modern-day corsets are available in different fabric options such as satin, leather, and others, basic corsets are mostly made up of cotton. Also, even the corsets made up of other fabrics will have a cotton lining inside. Hence, the corsets can get heavy when you get into the water with them, and this can cause trouble for you.
Boning can Cause Trouble in Breathing
If you are waist training, you must have laced the corset quite tightly. Usually, the corsets are tightly laced in such a way that they hug your diaphragm area quite tightly.
The diaphragm is the organ that expands when you take a deep breath, and it helps the lungs to fill in the air. But when you are wasting training, you also need to learn to breathe directly through the lungs as the diaphragm movement gets restricted due to the corset.
Usually, when you are outside the water, you still may have difficulty breathing with the corsets. You often need to take a break and take a few deep breathes to compensate for a few of the breathes you have missed out. Now, when you are under the water with this boning structure and the diaphragm restriction, it will create more trouble for you in breathing.
Restriction in Movement
Swimming is like any other cardiovascular activity in which you need to have proper movement of your limbs, shoulder, and so on. If you are in deep water, you need to be fast and need to have proper movements to swim properly. But when you have the corsets on, it restricts your movement.
Due to the restricted corset movement, it is said not to wear a corset while exercising or sleeping. Hence, when the corset can restrict your movement, often you may not swim properly, and this can cause trouble. You may struggle at times in the water that can get dangerous for you. Also, when you forcefully try to go against the movement restrictions, the corset can hurt you too.
Surely, you must have bought the corset out of sheer love and expectations. Also, corsets do come expensive, and you will not love to see them damaged. Experts advise you to refrain corsets from getting wet into water. Even for cleaning purposes, you should not wash the corsets regularly.
One of the main reasons for this is that water can cause damage to the corset's steel boning. Also, corsets restrict your movement, and when you try to put force on it, not only the corsets may hurt you, but also you may damage the corset in the process.